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Coaching Clients

We’re fortunate to work with some of the best clients around, and would love for you to become a partner. Our team includes experts from many fields who are ready to help develop and grow your business. From ideation to execution, we have vast experience throughout. Check out our client list below and get in touch with questions.

LAURA F.           JULY 2022

Career development

‘Liz provided me with a open non judgemental space to reflect on my own professional practice and supported me with having the confidence to pursue a leadership opportunity. I would highly recommend her.’

ANNA K.            JULY 2022

Career development

‘Liz has helped me to articulate my skills and competencies which led to me receiving a job offer. In each session Liz reflected back on the points I had discussed which was very helpful for me to piece things together. Thank you!’

COLINA W.          JULY 2022

Role development

‘Working with Liz was an absolute pleasure, it gave me the mental head space to consider her questions and my feelings in addition to my responses. The time spent with Liz allowed me to be vulnerable and not to have the answers. I felt I could offload without fear of repercussions or judgement, it felt safe and trusted.

I was impressed with how she heard my rambled thoughts and presented them back to me as logical, well considered statements – almost like giving my tutor a draft essay that might just pass and them returning it with guidance, taking it to a high 2:1. I genuinely wish I could do that with my own thoughts.

I looked forward to my sessions with Liz and although I wasn’t necessarily prepared (I terms of identifying a problem in advance and considering how we might approach this) there was always something to discuss, and our conversations were organic. This might have been to my disadvantage as it possibly meant I wasn’t developing in a theoretical context, but I found Liz’s responses were insightful and informed. She challenged a lot, but this was constructive and thought provoking – which was obviously her intention!

I left sessions feeling lighter and am grateful for her guidance. I would definitely recommend Liz as a coach.’

CYNTHIA M.        MAY 2022

Role development

‘Thank you for listening and allowing me to explore myself more to understand what drives my decision making or reactions. Working with Liz has definitely resulted in business benefits as this increased my self awareness.’

SARAH R.           MARCH 2022

Role development

‘I found the coaching to be incredibly useful – especially where Liz asked about commitment to goals. She is able to listen, structure and analyse thinking to help build a bigger picture and come to solutions around issues that I experienced in my work. The notes that are sent after sessions are incredibly concise and thorough and enable easy reflection, professional development, progression and self-accountability.’

LOUISE D.         MARCH 2022

Role Development

‘I found Liz very easy to be open and honest with, she was very calming. I feel I personally developed from the sessions and felt more empowered after them.’


Role Development

‘This has been my first coaching experience and have felt the benefit that much that I am excited to continue working with Liz and seeing how we can develop our relationship further.  The sessions proved valuable both personally and professionally thank you.’


Role Development

‘I thoroughly enjoyed working with Liz and would gladly recommend her services.’


Role Development

‘I found it impossible to score you any less than 5 out of 5 Liz! Our sessions were great, they offered me an opportunity to pause and reflect. Your questions encouraged me to think of different solutions and approaches, and to have you reflect back what you were hearing was very helpful for me. Often there is not much time to pause, especially at the moment, it’s often full speed ahead. To have someone available who I was able to fully trust, to speak in confidence and that you were able very quickly to understand my role and the dynamics at play alongside very skilled coaching was a Godsend.

Thank you Liz, the sessions we have had have had a massive impact on me, all for the positive. I am happy to highly reccomend your services to anyone that is interested, it is 100% worth it.’


Role Development

'I began having coaching sessions with Liz in summer 2020, to coincide with the start of a new job. It's my first coaching experience and while it's been challenging at times, I have found it very useful and am grateful to Liz for her patience, commitment and at times, hard questioning that has forced me to reflect much more deeply than I would know how to otherwise. I have truly valued her professional, non-judgemental and honest approach to coaching and wouldn't hesitate to recommend her.'


Career development

'Liz is a wonderful career coach, she is empathetic and caring. I felt I was able to speak freely with her about negative past work experiences and work towards framing a more positive future. She is an excellent source of support also in terms of shaping future goals and ambitions. I highly recommend working with her.'



'Liz has coached me in my leadership role for many years with professionalism, honesty and integrity. I would absolutely recommend her.'


Career development

'Liz is a dedicated professional and a great coach. I recommend her without reservation.'


Role development

'I have found the coaching sessions very helpful to prioritise my work with the Charitable Incorporated Organisation(CIO) for whom I am working as a Trustee. The coaching sessions have given me the time and space to develop reflection, understand group dynamics and in a better way.

BEN F.      MARCH 2020

Career development

'Great experience, really easy to build rapport and always feel that Liz is ‘there for me’ but also able to challenge me which really encourages open and honest discussions. Overall, the experience is brilliant – really useful and productive.

My sessions with Liz have been brilliant – by starting off with helping me to understand the elements I wanted to tackle, and moving through to enabling me to come up with structures to help me change the things I wanted to, she helped me to feel empowered and supported in exploring the areas I find difficult.  Always with a firm eye on the goals that we had set in our early conversations, Liz has been great at keeping me ‘on track’ and looking at the points which are most important to me.

Liz has been really open to working in a way that suits me, and adapting the methods and structures of our sessions to make sure that I get the most out of them – a personal touch which I’ve really appreciated.

As well as that, Liz has a real knack for understanding what I mean, and helping me ask myself the questions I haven’t thought of.  I would unhesitatingly recommend her to anyone who wants to explore their capabilities and get a better understanding of themselves.'


Career development

'This was my first experience of coaching and I wasn't sure what to expect prior to session 1. Liz made me feel really comfortable and paid close attention to exactly what I wanted to get out of the experience. The thing I noticed the most was how complete the notes were on each of our sessions and Liz’s recall of everything we spoke about. It was reassuring to know everything was being listened to and also very helpful to keep me on a consistent path.'

Client Reviews: Clients
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